About Us


The Families Civil Liberties Union was started in direct response to the Family Court’s lack of protection and support for the fathers and mothers of divorcing families and the children that become harmed. We represent and fight for fathers, mothers and children in the interest of familial capital preservation, fairness and equality. Our mission is to protect families from the predatory, out of control family court system until the family court system serves to protect families. The founder’s own uncle was a family court judge in New Jersey and explained how the system works in detail. With all known government agencies and even the ACLU disinterested in working to clean up family court, we created the FCLU.

Divorce is just a breakup. It shouldn’t cost your life savings and destroy your children’s future. But is does for hundreds of thousands of families each year. Personal bankruptcy attributed to divorce is estimated to exceed 120,000 families per year. Only lawyers, experts and the courts benefit from divorce and it comes at the expense of the family’s financial, physical and mental health.

The Families Civil Liberties Union is a professional, politically neutral, national activist organization. We refuse government funds. Our mission is to represent the thousands of disparate, autonomous fathers’ and mothers’ groups and millions of fathers and mothers that have been damaged by the family court system and have seen their life savings and children destroyed by swarms of lawyers, psychotherapists, social workers, substance abuse forensic evaluators, psychiatrists, psychologists, custody evaluators, parenting coordinators and a host of other so-called “experts” that have no interest in families or children nor accountability for their decisions that harm children. The FCLU supports both men’s and women’s rights. We stand for equalized gender rights upheld by a fair, unbiased, competent and responsible judicial system. What differentiates the FCLU from thousands of other groups? Our One Voice model to consolidate the voice of disparate groups, the Power of the Press afforded to us in the USA, Innovative Programs and our Non-Violent Direct Action Methodologies that raises awareness effectively – from TOP to BOTTOM.

Family law has become an overused “Playbook” of unethical legal strategy designed around abuse of process, malicious prosecution, forced custody battles, false accusations, falsification of evidence and acrimony created by attorneys and supported by the system to transfer wealth from divorcing parents to people working in the legal system. The current laws were created by attorneys to build a lucrative divorce industry – not to protect families and children. The courts are allowed to appoint preferred vendors (often friends) to your court case and they even send collection notices for the vendor’s bill with the threat of punishment even though the bill is weeks old – see evidence. The courts and their team of loyal followers have erected a wall of secrecy to ply their trade decade after decade while creating broken-hearted, bankrupt parents that the government then calls deadbeat parents. The family court system creates deadbeat parents as they raid the larder of responsible parents. And the children then suffer.

We are a patient, activist watchdog group committed to upholding and defending the civil liberties and constitutional rights of divorcing parents. Over $100 billion dollars per year stokes the divorce industry and lines the pockets of parasitic bottom feeders that feast on our children’s college funds and our life savings. When the legal system alienates our children based on known, rampant false accusations and issues unconstitutional restraining orders with no due process of law, watch a family’s money flow and the legal professionals swarm. It’s a system designed by lawyers for lawyers.

We also work with the legal community to raise their ethical standards. Our CEFA™ certification program is designed to work with the matrimonial industry by attracting young professionals (newly admitted ABA attorneys) in order to inspire them to bring about positive change. Our ongoing quality assurance program will ensure CEFA™ certified members live up to the standards of the FCLU.